Developing your business plan is one of the most powerful and valuable activities YOU can do to further grow your business.

Let’s get serious about your business

Your business plan requires every aspect of your business to be reviewed. Everything from the business vision to marketing strategies, and human resources to finance. In many ways, it is the very act of developing that is the most important, rather the finished product.

Just like your business, your business plan should be treated as a live, breathing document that reflects your business growth and is updated regularly. Our workshops will take you through the process of building a Business Plan you can use.

Find out more about our Business Planning Workshops and what is included by clicking on the button below.

10 Important Reasons Why you need a Business Plan for your business:

1. Financial Clarity

Knowing where your business is financially is vital to making great business decisions – The numbers will be so clear that you will not be able to stop yourself from powering ahead!

2. Redesigning Your Business

Redesigning your business can come in many forms including adding services, changing the business focus or even reducing the amount of hours you work in your business. Using our business planning tool, you will be able to quickly enter your desired changes and see the expected impact on the financials.

3. Marketing Your Business

Marketing is often under done in a business plan with too few marketing strategies and little regard to the results. With this business plan marketing takes a front seat implementing strategies that can be easily adapted to you business.

4. Managing New Staff

Business growth in most instances means adding more staff. Doing the plan will help identify the key roles.

5. Make More Money

Identifying how to improve margins including productivity, packaging, pricing, finance or cost cutting. These are all examples of how a business plan will show you areas that you can improve your profit margin with very little effort.

6. Everyone’s On The Same Page

With more than one director or owner a business plan will help everyone focus and clearly see the business as it is and what needs to be done to move forward. Having a clear vision and goals helps engage everyone in the whole business and these are the people that will ultimately help you get there.

7. What is Your Game Plan?

But wait there’s more… Setting priorities, establishing goals, and measuring performance. Identifying the key questions such as “What features do customers really want?,” “Will customers buy our product and how much will they pay?,” and “How can we attract customers in a way that’s cost effective and scalable?” All dealt with during the business planning process.

8. Securing Funding

How much new plant and equipment do you need to grow your business? Any financial provider will need to know your current and future financial situation and a general overview of your business. Again a business plan will provide these answers.

9. Attracting Investment or Looking To Sell

Investors and buyers need concrete information to make prudent financial decisions about your business. A business plan gives the information they need to make those decisions.

10. Creating A Live Document

Your business plan needs constant refinement and is a working document that needs reviewing regularly. It’s your business success map that will change and grow as you do! REMEMBER your business plan is ONLINE and can be updated at anytime to reflect your growth.

Industries we have helped achieve success.

The business systems we have developed, together with the resources we have access to through our association with ActionCoach gives us the ability to work in all business industries. However with Hugh’s background as an Engineer, there has been whether deliberate or not a strong work association with trade businesses.

Listen to why businesses come to Hugh for help.

  • Plumbing
  • Engineering
  • Building
  • Maintenance
  • Chiropractors
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design
  • Electricians
  • Precast Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • Plastering
  • Mechanic
  • Physiotherapy
  • Architects
  • Accountants
  • Cafe/Restaurants
  • Financial Services
  • Retail